Danny mc cain new testament

You're referring to Danny McCain, the character from the New Testament of the popular comic book series "The Umbrella Academy"!

For those who may not be familiar, Danny McCain is a character introduced in the second season of the Netflix series, which is based on the comic book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. He is a young boy with the ability to communicate with the dead, and becomes a key player in the story.

In the comics, Danny McCain is a minor character who appears in a few issues of the series. He is the son of a medium and has the ability to see and communicate with ghosts. He becomes friends with the Hargreeves children, particularly Diego, and helps them in their adventures.

In the Netflix series, Danny McCain is a more prominent character, played by actor Yusuf Gatewood. He is a young boy who is struggling to cope with the loss of his mother and his ability to see and communicate with the dead. He becomes a valuable ally to the Hargreeves children, particularly Vanya, and helps them uncover the truth about their past and their family's secrets.

Overall, Danny McCain is an interesting and complex character who adds depth and intrigue to the world of "The Umbrella Academy".