Danny 9ja new song

You're looking for the latest song from Danny S, a popular Nigerian artist known for his unique style and catchy tunes!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Danny S has released several new songs recently. Here are a few of his latest tracks:

  1. "Oka" (2022) - This song is a fusion of Afrobeats and street-hop, with Danny S delivering his signature energetic vocals.
  2. "Sako" (2022) - Another street-hop banger with a catchy hook and infectious beat.
  3. "Ghetto" (2022) - A more introspective track that showcases Danny S's storytelling ability and emotional delivery.

Please note that the music industry is constantly evolving, and new songs are being released regularly. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with Danny S's latest music, I recommend following him on social media or streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music.

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