Daniella bbnaija her twin albino brother ex boyfriend main boyfriendreal age cars parents

Here's the information you requested about Daniella Nwosu, a popular Nigerian reality TV star who participated in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) show:

Twin Albino Brother: Daniella has a twin brother, who is also an albino. His name is not publicly known.

Ex-Boyfriend: Daniella has not publicly disclosed the name of her ex-boyfriend.

Main Boyfriend: Daniella is currently in a relationship with a man named Khalid, who is also a Nigerian. The couple has been together for some time and has been spotted together on several occasions.

Real Age: Daniella was born on October 10, 1997, which makes her 25 years old as of 2022.

Cars: Daniella owns a Toyota Camry, which she has showcased on her social media accounts.

Parents: Daniella's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nwosu, who are both from Anambra State, Nigeria. Her parents are not publicly known, but Daniella has spoken about how they have always been supportive of her career and personal choices.

It's worth noting that Daniella is a private person and keeps her personal life out of the spotlight, so some information about her may not be publicly available.