Daniela b\u7709chner news

It seems like you're looking for news about Daniela Bühner!

Daniela Bühner is a German politician and member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). She has been serving as the Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection in the state of Baden-Württemberg since 2011.

Here are some recent news articles about Daniela Bühner:

  1. Justice Minister Daniela Bühner: "We need a new approach to crime" (Deutschlandfunk, 2022) - In this interview, Minister Bühner discusses her plans to combat crime and improve the justice system in Baden-Württemberg.
  2. Bühner: "We must not forget the victims of crime" (Stuttgarter Zeitung, 2022) - The Minister emphasizes the importance of supporting victims of crime and their families in the aftermath of a crime.
  3. Justice Minister Daniela Bühner: "We need more resources for the judiciary" (Handelsblatt, 2022) - In this article, Minister Bühner calls for increased funding for the judiciary to ensure that it can effectively handle the growing number of cases.
  4. Bühner: "We must work together to combat organized crime" (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2022) - The Minister stresses the need for cooperation between law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and the judiciary to combat organized crime.

These are just a few examples of recent news articles about Daniela Bühner. If you're looking for more information or specific news articles, feel free to ask!