Daniel w in new city nc

I think you might be looking for information about Daniel W. in New City, NC. Here's what I found:

Daniel W. in New City, NC

If you're looking for more information about Daniel W. in New City, NC, I can try to help you with that. Here are a few options:

  1. Social Media: Try searching for Daniel W. on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. You might be able to find his profile and contact information.
  2. People Search Websites: Websites like Whitepages, PeopleFinder, or Spokeo allow you to search for people by name and location. You can try searching for Daniel W. in New City, NC to see if any results come up.
  3. Local Directories: Check online directories like Yelp or Google Maps to see if Daniel W. has a business listing or review page. You might be able to find his contact information or learn more about his work.

Please keep in mind that some of this information might not be publicly available, and I'm just providing suggestions to help you find what you're looking for.