Dangote refinery new power supply and price

The Dangote Refinery is a major refinery project located in Lagos, Nigeria, which is expected to be one of the largest single-train refineries in the world. The refinery is expected to have a refining capacity of 650,000 barrels per day (bpd) and will produce a range of petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Regarding the new power supply and price, here are some updates:

New Power Supply:

The Dangote Refinery has announced that it will be powered by a 450-megawatt (MW) power plant, which will be built by the refinery's parent company, Dangote Group. The power plant will be fueled by natural gas and will be located adjacent to the refinery. The power plant is expected to be completed in 2023 and will provide a reliable and stable power supply to the refinery.


The Dangote Refinery is expected to reduce the price of petroleum products in Nigeria, including gasoline, diesel, and LPG. The refinery is expected to reduce the cost of production by leveraging its large scale and efficient operations, which will enable it to sell its products at a lower price than existing refineries in the country.

According to reports, the Dangote Refinery is expected to reduce the price of gasoline by as much as 20-30% compared to existing prices in Nigeria. This is expected to have a positive impact on the Nigerian economy, as it will reduce the cost of transportation and other activities that rely on petroleum products.

Here are some estimated prices for petroleum products from the Dangote Refinery:

Please note that these prices are estimates and may vary depending on various factors, including global oil prices, exchange rates, and other market conditions.