Dangote dismisses 109 workers over theft of companys properties

It appears that you're referring to a recent news article about Dangote Group, a leading conglomerate in Nigeria. According to the article, the company has dismissed 109 workers for allegedly stealing company properties.

Here's a summary of the article:

Dangote Group, a leading conglomerate in Nigeria, has taken a drastic measure to curb theft and vandalism within its premises. The company has dismissed 109 workers for allegedly stealing company properties, including vehicles, equipment, and other valuables.

The decision to dismiss the workers was taken after a thorough investigation into the thefts, which were reportedly widespread and had been ongoing for some time. The company's management stated that the dismissed workers were found to have been involved in the thefts, and that their actions had caused significant financial losses to the company.

The Dangote Group is a major player in the Nigerian economy, with interests in cement, sugar, and other sectors. The company has a reputation for being a responsible corporate citizen, and its decision to take a tough stance on theft and vandalism is seen as a positive step towards maintaining a secure and productive work environment.

It's worth noting that the dismissed workers have the right to appeal the decision, and the company has promised to provide support to those who are found to be innocent of the allegations.

Overall, the decision by Dangote Group to dismiss 109 workers for theft and vandalism sends a strong message that the company will not tolerate such behavior and is committed to protecting its assets and maintaining a positive work environment.