Dance of the pope virus bbc news

I think you may be referring to the "Dance of the Pope" or "Danza del Papa" which is a popular internet meme that originated from a video of Pope Francis dancing to a traditional Argentine folk song, "El Pescador", during a visit to the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall in 2013.

The video showed the Pope, then 76 years old, dancing with a group of children and adults, waving his arms and moving his hips to the lively music. The video quickly went viral and became a global phenomenon, with many people sharing and laughing at the Pope's joyful and carefree dance moves.

As for the "Pope Virus", I'm not aware of any specific virus or malware that is related to the Pope or the "Dance of the Pope". It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or satirical article or social media post that used the term "Pope Virus" to refer to the meme.

If you're looking for reliable and accurate information on the Pope or any other topic, I recommend checking reputable news sources such as BBC News, CNN, or The New York Times.