Dambazau news

You're looking for news about Abdulrahman Dambazau, a Nigerian politician and former Minister of Interior. Here are some recent news articles and updates about him:

Recent News

  1. Dambazau's tenure as Minister of Interior: A review (The Guardian, 2020) - This article reviews Dambazau's tenure as Minister of Interior, highlighting his achievements and challenges faced during his time in office.
  2. Dambazau's appointment as Chairman, Presidential Committee on the North East Initiative (Vanguard, 2020) - In this article, Dambazau is appointed as the Chairman of the Presidential Committee on the North East Initiative, a committee established to address the humanitarian crisis in the North East region of Nigeria.
  3. Dambazau's call for unity among Nigerians (Daily Trust, 2020) - In this article, Dambazau calls for unity among Nigerians, urging them to put aside their differences and work together for the country's development.


Abdulrahman Dambazau is a Nigerian politician and former Minister of Interior. He was born on August 19, 1954, in Kano State, Nigeria. Dambazau holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Ibadan and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Lagos. He has also attended several leadership and management courses, including the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS).

Dambazau has had a long and distinguished career in politics, serving as a member of the House of Representatives from 2003 to 2015. He was appointed as the Minister of Interior in 2015 and served in that capacity until 2019.

Awards and Recognition

Dambazau has received several awards and recognition for his service to Nigeria. Some of his notable awards include:

I hope this information is helpful!