Dalung blames zero budgeting for sports woes

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by Dalung, the former Minister of Youth and Sports Development in Nigeria.

From what I gathered, Dalung has blamed the zero-budgeting system for the woes faced by sports in Nigeria. Zero-budgeting is a fiscal policy where government agencies are allocated a fixed amount of money without any provision for contingencies or unexpected expenses.

According to Dalung, the zero-budgeting system has hindered the development of sports in Nigeria, making it difficult for the ministry to carry out its programs and projects. He claimed that the system has led to a lack of funding for sports infrastructure, personnel, and equipment, ultimately affecting the performance of Nigerian athletes.

It's worth noting that Dalung's statement might be seen as a criticism of the government's fiscal policy, which has been a subject of controversy in Nigeria. Some experts argue that the zero-budgeting system can lead to inefficiencies and a lack of accountability in government spending.

What would you like to know more about? The impact of zero-budgeting on sports in Nigeria, or the broader implications of this fiscal policy on the country's economy?