Dairy news today

Here are some recent dairy news stories:

  1. US Dairy Exports Reach Record High: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that the country's dairy exports reached a record high in 2022, with a value of $6.5 billion. This is a 12% increase from the previous year. (Source: Dairy Herd Management)
  2. New Zealand Dairy Prices Fall: The GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) price index, which tracks dairy prices, fell 4.4% in the latest auction. This is the largest decline in over a year, due to increased global milk production and weaker demand. (Source: Reuters)
  3. EU Dairy Sector Faces Challenges: The European dairy sector is facing challenges due to overproduction, low prices, and increasing competition from other dairy-producing countries. The EU's dairy farmers are calling for support measures to help them cope with the crisis. (Source: EurActiv)
  4. Dairy Industry Embraces Sustainability: The dairy industry is shifting its focus towards sustainability, with many companies committing to reduce their environmental impact. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. (Source: Food Business News)
  5. New Dairy Processing Technology: A new dairy processing technology has been developed that can convert milk into a range of products, including cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, without the need for pasteurization. This technology has the potential to improve food safety and reduce waste. (Source: Food Processing Technology)
  6. Dairy Consumption on the Rise: According to a new report, dairy consumption is on the rise globally, driven by increasing demand for dairy products in emerging markets such as China and India. The report predicts that global dairy consumption will continue to grow, driven by population growth and urbanization. (Source: Euromonitor International)
  7. US Dairy Farmers Face Labor Shortages: Many US dairy farmers are facing labor shortages, which are impacting their ability to produce milk and other dairy products. The industry is calling for immigration reform to address the issue. (Source: Dairy Herd Management)

These are just a few of the latest dairy news stories. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the dairy industry, I recommend following reputable sources such as Dairy Herd Management, Food Business News, and the International Dairy Foods Association.