Daily times news paper for 15th may

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have access to real-time news or specific newspaper editions. The Daily Times newspaper is a publication that is available in print and online, and its content changes daily.

If you're looking for the news from the 15th of May, I can suggest a few options:

  1. Check the Daily Times website: You can visit the Daily Times website and search for the news articles from May 15th. They may have archived their online content, and you can access it for free.
  2. Check online news archives: Websites like Google News or online news archives may have the news articles from May 15th. You can search for the specific date and keywords to find the relevant articles.
  3. Contact the Daily Times directly: If you're unable to find the news articles online, you can contact the Daily Times directly and ask if they have a copy of the newspaper from May 15th. They may be able to provide you with a copy or direct you to a source where you can access it.

Please note that the availability of news articles from a specific date may vary depending on the publication and the date.