Daily news zimbabwe top stories

Here are the top stories from the Daily News Zimbabwe:

Breaking News

  1. Zanu-PF's 2023 Elections Strategy Unveiled: Zanu-PF has unveiled its strategy for the 2023 elections, which includes a massive voter registration drive and a focus on rural areas. (Source: Daily News)
  2. Mnangagwa's Government Under Fire Over Fuel Price Hike: The government has come under fire over the recent fuel price hike, with opposition parties and civil society groups accusing it of being out of touch with the suffering of the people. (Source: Daily News)
  3. Zimbabwe's Economy in Crisis: Zimbabwe's economy is in crisis, with inflation soaring and the country facing a severe shortage of foreign currency. (Source: Daily News)


  1. Mnangagwa's Popularity Plummets: President Emmerson Mnangagwa's popularity has plummeted, with a recent survey showing that only 22% of Zimbabweans approve of his leadership. (Source: Daily News)
  2. Zanu-PF's Factional Wars Intensify: Factional wars within Zanu-PF have intensified, with the party's vice-presidents, Kembo Mohadi and Constantino Chiwenga, at loggerheads over the succession question. (Source: Daily News)
  3. MDC Alliance in Crisis: The MDC Alliance is in crisis, with the party's leader, Nelson Chamisa, facing opposition from within his own ranks over his leadership style. (Source: Daily News)


  1. Economy in Crisis: Zimbabwe's economy is in crisis, with inflation soaring and the country facing a severe shortage of foreign currency. (Source: Daily News)
  2. Fuel Price Hike Hits Businesses Hard: The recent fuel price hike has hit businesses hard, with many struggling to stay afloat. (Source: Daily News)
  3. Zimbabwe's Stock Exchange in Free Fall: Zimbabwe's stock exchange is in free fall, with the market capitalisation of listed companies plummeting. (Source: Daily News)


  1. Zimbabwe Cricket in Crisis: Zimbabwe cricket is in crisis, with the team facing a severe shortage of funds and a lack of international matches. (Source: Daily News)
  2. Warriors Face Tough Test: The Warriors face a tough test in their upcoming Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Algeria. (Source: Daily News)
  3. Zimbabwe Rugby in Crisis: Zimbabwe rugby is in crisis, with the team facing a severe shortage of funds and a lack of international matches. (Source: Daily News)


  1. Local Musician Dies: Local musician, Soul Jah Love, has died at the age of 31. (Source: Daily News)
  2. Zimbabwean Actor Wins International Award: Zimbabwean actor, Tendaiishe Chitima, has won an international award for her role in the film, "The Burial of Kojo". (Source: Daily News)
  3. Local Film Wins International Award: Local film, "Cook Off", has won an international award at the Africa Movie Academy Awards. (Source: Daily News)

Please note that these are just some of the top stories from the Daily News Zimbabwe and may not be up to date.