Daily news sports editor

A daily news sports editor is responsible for overseeing the sports section of a newspaper or online publication. Here are some key responsibilities and skills required for the job:


  1. Plan and assign stories: Decide which sports stories to cover, assign reporters to write them, and set deadlines.
  2. Write and edit stories: Write and edit sports stories, including game recaps, feature pieces, and analysis.
  3. Coordinate with reporters: Work with reporters to ensure they have the necessary information and resources to complete their assignments.
  4. Manage the sports desk: Oversee the sports desk, including coordinating coverage, assigning tasks, and ensuring timely publication.
  5. Develop story ideas: Come up with ideas for sports stories, including feature pieces, profiles, and investigative reports.
  6. Work with designers and photographers: Collaborate with designers and photographers to create visually appealing sports sections.
  7. Meet deadlines: Ensure that sports sections are published on time, every day.
  8. Stay up-to-date with sports news: Keep current with local, national, and international sports news to inform coverage.
  9. Manage budgets: Oversee the sports budget, including allocating resources for reporting, photography, and design.
  10. Communicate with readers: Respond to reader inquiries and comments, and engage with readers on social media.


  1. Strong writing and editing skills: Ability to write and edit sports stories, including game recaps, feature pieces, and analysis.
  2. Knowledge of sports: In-depth knowledge of various sports, including rules, teams, players, and leagues.
  3. Communication skills: Ability to communicate effectively with reporters, designers, photographers, and other stakeholders.
  4. Time management: Ability to prioritize tasks, manage multiple projects, and meet deadlines.
  5. Leadership skills: Ability to lead and motivate a team of reporters and editors.
  6. Attention to detail: Ability to proofread and fact-check stories to ensure accuracy.
  7. Social media skills: Ability to engage with readers on social media and promote sports coverage.
  8. Budgeting skills: Ability to manage budgets and allocate resources effectively.
  9. Flexibility: Ability to adapt to changing circumstances, such as last-minute changes to sports schedules or breaking news.
  10. Passion for sports: A genuine interest in sports and a desire to share that passion with readers.

Education and experience:

  1. Bachelor's degree in journalism, communications, or a related field: A degree in journalism, communications, or a related field is typically required.
  2. Minimum 3-5 years of experience in sports journalism: A minimum of 3-5 years of experience in sports journalism, including reporting, editing, or a combination of both.
  3. Strong portfolio: A strong portfolio that showcases writing, editing, and reporting skills, as well as experience with sports coverage.


  1. National Sports Journalism Awards: Consideration for the National Sports Journalism Awards, which recognize excellence in sports journalism.
  2. Society of Professional Journalists: Membership in the Society of Professional Journalists, which promotes ethical journalism practices.


The salary for a daily news sports editor can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and publication size. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for news editors in the United States was $59,170 in May 2020. However, salaries can range from around $40,000 to over $80,000 per year, depending on the specific job and location.