Daily news ranking 2017

Here are the top 10 most read news stories of 2017 according to various sources such as Google Trends, BuzzFeed, and The New York Times:

  1. Hurricane Harvey: The devastating hurricane that hit Texas and Louisiana in August 2017, causing widespread flooding and damage.
  2. North Korea's Nuclear Tests: The series of nuclear tests conducted by North Korea in 2017, including the most powerful test to date in September.
  3. Fyre Festival: The failed music festival in the Bahamas that was marketed as a luxurious getaway but turned out to be a disaster, with attendees complaining of poor conditions and lack of amenities.
  4. Charlie Gard's Death: The tragic story of Charlie Gard, a British baby who died in July 2017 after a long battle with a rare genetic disorder and a court battle over his treatment.
  5. Las Vegas Shooting: The mass shooting that occurred in October 2017 at a music festival in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.
  6. Trump's Travel Ban: The controversy surrounding President Trump's executive order banning travel from several Muslim-majority countries, which was blocked by courts and eventually revised.
  7. Olympic Scandals: The scandals that rocked the 2017 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, including the Russian doping scandal and the arrest of several athletes.
  8. Amazon's Acquisition of Whole Foods: The surprise announcement in June 2017 that Amazon was acquiring the upscale grocery chain Whole Foods for $13.7 billion.
  9. The Solar Eclipse: The rare total solar eclipse that occurred in August 2017, which was visible across a narrow path in North America.
  10. The Death of Fidel Castro: The death of the Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro in November 2017, which sparked a mix of reactions from around the world.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list, and the ranking may vary depending on the source and methodology used.