Daily news online

Here are some popular online sources for daily news:

General News

  1. The New York Times (nytimes.com) - Breaking news, in-depth reporting, and analysis.
  2. The Washington Post (washingtonpost.com) - National and international news, opinion, and commentary.
  3. BBC News (bbc.com/news) - International news, analysis, and features from the British Broadcasting Corporation.
  4. Al Jazeera (aljazeera.com) - International news, analysis, and features from a Middle Eastern perspective.
  5. Reuters (reuters.com) - Breaking news, business, and financial news from a global perspective.

US News

  1. CNN (cnn.com) - Breaking news, in-depth reporting, and analysis from a US perspective.
  2. Fox News (foxnews.com) - Breaking news, opinion, and commentary from a conservative perspective.
  3. USA Today (usatoday.com) - National and international news, sports, and entertainment.
  4. The Hill (thehill.com) - News, opinion, and analysis on politics, policy, and government.
  5. Politico (politico.com) - News, analysis, and commentary on politics, policy, and government.

International News

  1. The Guardian (theguardian.com) - International news, analysis, and features from a UK perspective.
  2. The Times of London (thetimes.co.uk) - International news, analysis, and features from a UK perspective.
  3. Le Monde (lemonde.fr) - International news, analysis, and features from a French perspective.
  4. The Japan Times (japantimes.co.jp) - International news, analysis, and features from a Japanese perspective.
  5. The Hindu (thehindu.com) - International news, analysis, and features from an Indian perspective.

Specialized News

  1. The Wall Street Journal (wsj.com) - Business and financial news.
  2. Forbes (forbes.com) - Business, finance, and investing news.
  3. The Economist (economist.com) - International news, analysis, and commentary on business, finance, and politics.
  4. Scientific American (scientificamerican.com) - Science, technology, and health news.
  5. The Verge (theverge.com) - Technology, science, and culture news.

These are just a few examples of the many online sources for daily news. You can also find news aggregators like Google News (news.google.com) and Apple News (apple.com/news) that collect news from multiple sources.