Daily news contact number
Here are some contact numbers for daily news sources:
Print Newspapers:
- The New York Times: 1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637)
- The Wall Street Journal: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
- The Washington Post: 1-800-WASHINGTON POST (1-800-927-7762)
- USA Today: 1-800-USA-TODAY (1-800-872-8622)
- Los Angeles Times: 1-800-LATIMES (1-800-528-8663)
Online News Sources:
- CNN: 1-404-827-1500
- Fox News: 1-888-369-4762
- MSNBC: 1-888-625-7774
- NPR: 1-202-513-2300
- BBC News: +44 (0)20 7221 3333 (from outside the UK) or 0808 802 2222 (from within the UK)
Local News Sources:
- Your local newspaper's contact number (check their website or look up their phone number in a directory)
- Before calling a news source, make sure you have all the necessary information and details ready to share with the journalist or producer.
- Be prepared to provide your name, contact information, and a brief summary of your story or inquiry.
- Be respectful and professional when contacting a news source. Remember that journalists are busy and may not be able to take your call immediately.
Remember to always verify the contact information before calling, as numbers may change over time.