Daily news and newsletter accross the world

Here are some popular daily news sources and newsletters from around the world:

Global News Sources:

  1. BBC News (UK): www.bbc.com/news
  2. Al Jazeera (Qatar): www.aljazeera.com
  3. The New York Times (USA): www.nytimes.com
  4. The Guardian (UK): www.theguardian.com
  5. The Washington Post (USA): www.washingtonpost.com
  6. Reuters (UK): www.reuters.com
  7. AFP (France): www.afp.com
  8. Deutsche Welle (Germany): www.dw.com

Regional News Sources:

  1. Asia:
  2. Europe:
  3. Americas:


  1. The Skimm (USA): A daily newsletter covering news, politics, and culture. www.theskimm.com
  2. The New York Times' Morning Brief (USA): A daily newsletter covering news, politics, and more. www.nytimes.com/newsletters/morning-brief
  3. The Guardian's Today in Focus (UK): A daily newsletter covering news, politics, and culture. www.theguardian.com/newsletters/today-in-focus
  4. Quartz Daily Brief (Global): A daily newsletter covering news, business, and technology. www.qz.com/daily-brief
  5. The Economist's Daily Brief (Global): A daily newsletter covering news, politics, and business. www.economist.com/daily-brief

These are just a few examples of the many daily news sources and newsletters available around the world. You can also search for news sources and newsletters specific to your region or interests.