Daily english news paper

Here are some popular daily English newspapers from around the world:

United States:

  1. The New York Times (NYT)
  2. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
  3. The Washington Post (WP)
  4. USA Today
  5. Los Angeles Times (LAT)

United Kingdom:

  1. The Times
  2. The Guardian
  3. The Daily Telegraph
  4. The Financial Times (FT)
  5. The Independent


  1. The Hindu
  2. The Indian Express
  3. The Times of India (TOI)
  4. The Economic Times (ET)
  5. The Hindustan Times (HT)


  1. The Australian
  2. The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)
  3. The Age (Melbourne)
  4. The Australian Financial Review (AFR)
  5. The Daily Telegraph (Sydney)


  1. The Globe and Mail
  2. The Toronto Star
  3. The National Post
  4. The Vancouver Sun
  5. The Montreal Gazette

Other countries:

  1. The Japan Times (Japan)
  2. The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)
  3. The Straits Times (Singapore)
  4. The Bangkok Post (Thailand)
  5. The Johannesburg Star (South Africa)

You can access these newspapers online or through their mobile apps. Some of them also offer e-paper subscriptions, which allow you to read the physical newspaper digitally.

Additionally, you can also check out online news websites and aggregators like:

These websites provide news from around the world, often with a focus on international news and analysis.