Daddy nollywood movie new

Here are some new Nollywood movies with "Daddy" in the title:

  1. Daddy's Little Girl (2022) - A drama film about a father's struggles to connect with his teenage daughter.
  2. Daddy Must Wake (2022) - A thriller about a family's dark secrets and the consequences of playing with forces beyond their control.
  3. Daddy's Little Princess (2021) - A romantic comedy about a father's efforts to find love for his daughter.
  4. Daddy's Little Angel (2021) - A drama film about a father's journey to understand his daughter's mysterious behavior.
  5. Daddy's Little Secret (2020) - A thriller about a family's hidden secrets and the consequences of keeping them hidden.

Please note that the availability of these movies may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your area.

If you're interested in watching any of these movies, you can try searching for them on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or YouTube Movies.