Daddy freeze response to pastor adeboye punch new

I think you meant to ask about Daddy Freeze's response to Pastor Adeboye's punchline, not "new".

Daddy Freeze, a popular Nigerian DJ and social media personality, is known for his controversial opinions and criticisms of some Christian leaders, including Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

In recent times, Pastor Adeboye made a statement that sparked controversy, saying that "God is not a magician" and that He doesn't do things that are not according to His word. Daddy Freeze responded to this statement, saying that Pastor Adeboye was trying to justify his own failures and that God is indeed a magician who can do anything He wants.

Here's a summary of Daddy Freeze's response:

"Pastor Adeboye, you said God is not a magician, but you're the one who's trying to justify your own failures. You're saying God can't do something because it's not in your book? God is not limited by your book, He's not limited by your understanding. God is a magician, He can do anything He wants. You're just trying to justify your own limitations, your own failures. You're saying God can't do something because it's not in your book, but God is not bound by your book. God is a magician, He can do anything He wants."

It's worth noting that Daddy Freeze's response was met with both praise and criticism from many people, with some agreeing with his views and others disagreeing.