Daddy freeze news

You're referring to Daddy Freeze, the Nigerian pastor and media personality!

Here are some recent news updates about Daddy Freeze:

  1. Controversy over his views on tithing: Daddy Freeze has been a vocal critic of the practice of tithing in churches, arguing that it's not biblical. His views have sparked controversy and debate among Christians in Nigeria and beyond.
  2. New book release: In 2022, Daddy Freeze released a book titled "Crucifying Tithing: The Power to Be Free". The book explores his views on tithing and offers an alternative perspective on giving and financial stewardship.
  3. Interviews and appearances: Daddy Freeze has been featured in various interviews and podcasts, including ones with popular Nigerian media personalities like Ebuka Obi-Uchendu and Toke Makinwa. He has also made appearances on TV shows and radio programs.
  4. Social media engagement: Daddy Freeze is active on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where he shares his thoughts on various topics, including faith, finance, and current events. He has a large following and is known for his witty humor and engaging style.
  5. Personal life: Daddy Freeze is a father of two and has been open about his personal struggles and experiences. He has used his platform to raise awareness about mental health and to promote self-care and wellness.

These are just a few updates about Daddy Freeze's recent activities and news. If you're interested in learning more about his views and opinions, I recommend checking out his social media profiles or watching his interviews and videos online!