Dad's incredible reaction to news 14 year old son is not his

(The scene is set in a living room, where a 14-year-old boy, Alex, is sitting on the couch with his parents, Mark and Sarah. Mark is holding a piece of paper and looks shocked. Sarah is trying to comfort Alex.)

Mark: (stunned) What...what is this?!

Sarah: (calmly) Mark, let's not jump to conclusions. Let's talk about this.

Mark: (frantically) No, no, no! This can't be true! (he looks at Alex) You're not my son?!

Alex: (confused and scared) What do you mean, Dad? Of course, I'm your son!

Mark: (reading from the paper) According to this DNA test, you're not biologically related to me. You're not my son!

Sarah: (trying to intervene) Mark, let's not panic. We need to talk about this and figure out what's going on.

Mark: (outraged) How could this happen?! I've been your father for 14 years! We've shared so many memories! (he looks at Alex with a mix of anger and sadness) You're not my son?!

Alex: (tearfully) Dad, please! This can't be true! I love you! You're my dad!

Mark: (overwhelmed) I...I don't know what to say. I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down. (he looks at Sarah) How could you keep this from me?!

Sarah: (calmly) Mark, I didn't know what to do. We didn't know how to tell you. We were trying to figure out what to do.

Mark: (disbelieving) You didn't know what to do?! You're my wife! You're supposed to be my partner! (he looks at Alex) And you're my son...or at least, you were supposed to be.

Alex: (devastated) Dad, please don't say that. I still love you. You're still my dad.

Mark: (brokenly) I...I don't know what to do. I feel like I've lost my son. (he looks at Sarah) And I feel like I've lost my wife. (he gets up and walks out of the room, leaving Alex and Sarah in stunned silence.)

(The scene ends with Alex and Sarah looking at each other, unsure of what to do next.)