Dablixx osha news

Dablixx Osha is a popular Nigerian comedian and content creator known for his humorous skits and parodies on social media. Here are some recent news and updates about him:

  1. New Skit Alert: Dablixx Osha recently dropped a new skit titled "Area Fada" which has been trending on social media. The skit is a parody of the popular Nigerian musician, Fada Fada.
  2. Collaboration with Other Comedians: Dablixx Osha has been collaborating with other popular Nigerian comedians such as Broda Shaggi, Mr. Macaroni, and others. Their collaborations have been well-received by fans and have helped to increase their online presence.
  3. Growing Fanbase: Dablixx Osha's fanbase has been growing rapidly, with many fans praising his unique sense of humor and ability to poke fun at current events and societal issues.
  4. Influencer Deals: Dablixx Osha has been partnering with various brands and companies to promote their products and services. His influence on social media has made him a sought-after influencer in the Nigerian entertainment industry.
  5. Awards and Nominations: Dablixx Osha has been nominated for several awards, including the Best Comedian of the Year award at the 2022 City People Entertainment Awards. He has also won several awards for his outstanding comedy skills.
  6. Upcoming Projects: Dablixx Osha has announced that he is working on several new projects, including a comedy movie and a TV series. Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of these projects.

Overall, Dablixx Osha is a talented comedian who has been making waves in the Nigerian entertainment industry. His unique sense of humor and ability to connect with his audience have made him a fan favorite.