D'banj and new wife

You're referring to the Nigerian musician D'banj and his new wife, Lineo Didi Kilgrow!

D'banj, whose real name is Oladapo Daniel Oyebanjo, is a popular Nigerian singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. He was previously married to Didi Kilgrow, a Nigerian entrepreneur and philanthropist, from 2016 until their divorce in 2020.

In 2020, D'banj announced that he had gotten married to Lineo Didi Kilgrow, who is also his ex-wife's twin sister! Yes, you read that right - his new wife is his ex-wife's twin sister!

Lineo Didi Kilgrow is a Nigerian entrepreneur and philanthropist, and she has been involved in various charitable initiatives, including working with organizations that support women and children.

D'banj and Lineo Didi Kilgrow's marriage has been met with mixed reactions from fans and the public, with some people expressing surprise and others congratulating the couple on their union.

It's worth noting that D'banj has been open about his personal life and has used his platform to promote love, acceptance, and inclusivity. He has also been involved in various philanthropic efforts, including supporting education and healthcare initiatives in Nigeria.

What do you think about D'banj's new marriage?