Czech republic new name

An interesting topic!

While the Czech Republic is officially known as the Czech Republic, there have been some proposals and discussions about changing its name over the years. Here are a few examples:

  1. Czechia: In 2016, the Czech government officially adopted the name "Czechia" (Czech: Česko) as a shortened and informal name for the country. This name is intended to be used in international contexts, particularly in marketing and tourism. However, the official name of the country remains the Czech Republic.
  2. Bohemia: Some Czech nationalists have suggested reverting to the historical name "Bohemia" (Czech: Čechy), which was used to refer to the region before the country was formed in 1918. However, this name is not widely used or recognized internationally.
  3. Czech State: Another proposal has been to change the name to "Czech State" (Czech: Česká republika), which would emphasize the country's sovereignty and independence.

It's worth noting that any changes to the country's name would require a constitutional amendment and would likely be subject to international recognition and acceptance.

So, while there have been some proposals and discussions about changing the name of the Czech Republic, the current name remains the official and widely recognized name of the country.