Cyber security news this week

Here are some of the top cybersecurity news stories from the past week:

1. Ransomware Attack Hits US Healthcare Provider

A ransomware attack has hit the US healthcare provider, Community Health Systems (CHS), affecting over 4.8 million patients. The attack, which occurred on June 17, resulted in the theft of sensitive patient data, including names, addresses, and Social Security numbers.

2. Google Discloses Critical Android Vulnerability

Google has disclosed a critical vulnerability in the Android operating system, which could allow attackers to remotely execute code on vulnerable devices. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-1671, affects Android devices running versions 8.0 to 11.0.

3. Microsoft Warns of New Zero-Day Exploit

Microsoft has warned of a new zero-day exploit, tracked as CVE-2021-26401, which affects the Windows Print Spooler service. The exploit could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems.

4. Facebook Discloses Data Breach Affecting 1.5 Million Users

Facebook has disclosed a data breach that affected 1.5 million users. The breach occurred due to a vulnerability in the company's "View As" feature, which allowed attackers to access user data, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

5. US Government Warns of Russian Cyber Attacks

The US government has warned of a series of cyber attacks attributed to Russian hackers. The attacks, which began in 2019, targeted government agencies, defense contractors, and other organizations, and were designed to steal sensitive information.

6. New Malware Discovered Targeting Linux Systems

Researchers have discovered a new malware, tracked as "Linux/Caddy," which targets Linux systems. The malware is designed to steal sensitive information, including login credentials and system data.

7. Cybersecurity Firm Discloses Critical Vulnerability in Popular VPN

Cybersecurity firm, Trustwave, has disclosed a critical vulnerability in the popular VPN software, OpenVPN. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-26123, could allow attackers to intercept and manipulate VPN traffic.

8. US Companies Hit by Sophisticated Phishing Campaign

A sophisticated phishing campaign has targeted several US companies, including a major financial institution and a technology firm. The campaign, which began in May, used highly convincing emails and fake login pages to trick victims into revealing sensitive information.

9. New Ransomware Strain Discovered Targeting Healthcare Organizations

Researchers have discovered a new ransomware strain, tracked as "DarkSide," which targets healthcare organizations. The malware is designed to encrypt sensitive patient data and demand a ransom in exchange for the decryption key.

10. Cybersecurity Firm Warns of Increased Threat of Nation-State Attacks

Cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, has warned of an increased threat of nation-state attacks, particularly from China, Russia, and North Korea. The firm has seen a significant increase in attacks from these countries, which are designed to steal sensitive information and disrupt critical infrastructure.

These are just a few of the top cybersecurity news stories from the past week. It's essential to stay informed about the latest threats and vulnerabilities to protect yourself and your organization from cyber attacks.