Cyber security news articles

Here are some recent cyber security news articles:

1. Major Ransomware Attack Hits US Healthcare System

A ransomware attack has hit a major US healthcare system, compromising the personal and medical information of thousands of patients. The attack, which occurred on July 2, affected the Community Health Systems (CHS) network, which operates 135 hospitals and clinics across the country. (Source: Healthcare IT News)

2. Google Discloses Critical Vulnerability in Chrome Browser

Google has disclosed a critical vulnerability in its Chrome browser that could allow attackers to take control of users' devices. The vulnerability, which was discovered by a security researcher, affects all versions of Chrome and has been patched in the latest update. (Source: The Verge)

3. Facebook Faces Lawsuit Over Data Breach

Facebook is facing a lawsuit over a data breach that exposed the personal information of millions of users. The lawsuit, filed by a group of users, alleges that Facebook failed to protect their data and did not notify them promptly of the breach. (Source: CNN)

4. New Malware Discovered That Can Steal Banking Information

A new malware has been discovered that can steal banking information and other sensitive data from infected devices. The malware, known as "Emotet," is highly sophisticated and can evade detection by antivirus software. (Source: CyberScoop)

5. US Government Warns of Russian Cyber Attacks

The US government has warned of a series of cyber attacks attributed to Russian hackers. The attacks, which have been ongoing for several months, have targeted government agencies, businesses, and individuals. (Source: The Hill)

6. Cybersecurity Firm Discovers New Type of Malware

A cybersecurity firm has discovered a new type of malware that can evade detection by antivirus software. The malware, known as "TrickBot," is highly sophisticated and can steal sensitive information from infected devices. (Source: Dark Reading)

7. Major Retailer Hit by Data Breach

A major retailer has been hit by a data breach that exposed the personal and payment information of thousands of customers. The breach, which occurred in May, was caused by a vulnerability in the retailer's online payment system. (Source: Retail Dive)

8. New Phishing Attack Targets Small Businesses

A new phishing attack is targeting small businesses, with hackers sending emails that appear to be from the business's own email system. The attack, known as "Business Email Compromise," is highly effective and has already resulted in significant losses for several businesses. (Source: Cybersecurity Ventures)

9. Cybersecurity Firm Discovers New Type of Ransomware

A cybersecurity firm has discovered a new type of ransomware that can evade detection by antivirus software. The ransomware, known as "Ryuk," is highly sophisticated and can encrypt files on infected devices. (Source: Bleeping Computer)

10. US Government Warns of Increased Cyber Threats

The US government has warned of an increased cyber threat from nation-state actors and other malicious actors. The warning, issued by the Department of Homeland Security, advises individuals and businesses to take steps to protect themselves from cyber attacks. (Source: Federal News Network)

I hope these articles are helpful!