Cute distance sms for a new female friend

Here are some cute distance SMS ideas for a new female friend:

  1. "Missing you already! Can't wait to catch up soon"
  2. "Just wanted to say hi and see how your day is going"
  3. "Wish I could be there to give you a hug. Sending you lots of love from afar"
  4. "What's new with you? I feel like we just got started and I already miss our chats"
  5. "Just thinking about you and wanted to say hi. Hope you're doing well"
  6. "I'm so glad we met! You're an amazing friend and I'm already missing our talks"
  7. "Sending you positive vibes from afar. Can't wait to see you soon"
  8. "Just wanted to check in and see how your week is going. Missing our daily chats"
  9. "You're on my mind and in my heart. Can't wait to catch up soon"
  10. "I'm so grateful for our friendship, even from a distance. Sending you lots of love"

Remember to keep it light and friendly, and feel free to add your own personal touch to make it more special.