Custom in new delhi

New Delhi, the capital city of India, is a melting pot of cultures and traditions. Here are some of the most interesting customs and practices in New Delhi:

  1. Namaste: Greeting with a folded hand is a common custom in India, and New Delhi is no exception. When meeting someone, it's customary to bow your head and place your palms together in a prayer-like gesture.
  2. Dress modestly: When visiting temples, mosques, or other places of worship, it's essential to dress modestly. Avoid revealing clothing, and cover your shoulders and knees as a sign of respect.
  3. Remove your shoes: In many Indian homes and some temples, it's customary to remove your shoes before entering. This is a sign of respect and helps keep the space clean.
  4. Use your right hand: In India, the left hand is considered unclean, so it's best to use your right hand when eating, giving or receiving something, or performing any other action.
  5. Respect for elders: In Indian culture, elders are highly respected. When interacting with older individuals, it's customary to show respect by bowing your head, using formal language, and seeking their guidance.
  6. Food etiquette: When eating with locals, it's customary to use your right hand to eat, and not to leave your plate unfinished. It's also considered impolite to eat with your left hand.
  7. Gift-giving: When giving gifts, it's customary to use both hands, and to present the gift with a bow or a slight inclination of the head.
  8. Eye contact: Direct eye contact is considered impolite in Indian culture. When interacting with someone, it's best to maintain eye contact briefly, then look away as a sign of respect.
  9. Respect for the environment: India is a country with a strong emphasis on environmental conservation. When visiting, it's essential to respect the local environment by not littering, conserving water, and reducing your carbon footprint.
  10. Learn some Hindi: While many people in New Delhi speak English, learning a few basic Hindi phrases can go a long way in showing respect and appreciation for the local culture.

Some interesting customs and practices specific to New Delhi include:

Overall, New Delhi is a city that is steeped in tradition and culture, and visitors can experience a rich and vibrant cultural heritage by respecting and embracing these customs and practices.