Custom built new homes

Custom built new homes! There's nothing quite like having a home that's tailored to your unique needs, preferences, and style. Here are some benefits and considerations to keep in mind:


  1. Personalization: With a custom-built home, you can design every aspect of the home to fit your lifestyle, from the layout to the finishes.
  2. Quality: Custom builders often use high-quality materials and construction methods to ensure a durable and long-lasting home.
  3. Energy efficiency: Custom builders can incorporate energy-efficient features and materials to reduce your energy bills and environmental impact.
  4. Unique features: You can include unique features that you won't find in production homes, such as a wine cellar, home theater, or outdoor kitchen.
  5. Warranty: Custom builders typically offer a warranty on their work, giving you peace of mind and protection against defects or issues.


  1. Cost: Custom-built homes can be more expensive than production homes, as you're paying for the design and construction process.
  2. Time: The construction process can take longer for a custom-built home, as the builder needs to design and build the home from scratch.
  3. Permits and inspections: You'll need to obtain permits and undergo inspections throughout the construction process, which can add to the overall cost and timeline.
  4. Design and planning: You'll need to work closely with the builder to design and plan the home, which can be a time-consuming and potentially stressful process.
  5. Resale value: While a custom-built home can be a great investment, it may not appeal to as wide of a range of buyers as a production home, which can impact resale value.

Types of custom-built homes:

  1. Production builder custom: Some production builders offer custom options, where you can choose from a range of designs and upgrades.
  2. Spec home: A spec home is a custom-built home that's built by a builder without a specific buyer in mind. You can purchase a spec home and make changes to suit your needs.
  3. Design-build: A design-build firm will design and build your home from scratch, often with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency.
  4. Custom home builder: A custom home builder will work with you to design and build a home that meets your specific needs and preferences.

Things to consider when building a custom home:

  1. Budget: Establish a realistic budget and stick to it to avoid cost overruns.
  2. Design: Work with an architect or designer to create a design that meets your needs and fits your budget.
  3. Builder selection: Research and interview multiple builders to find the right one for your project.
  4. Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for the construction process and plan accordingly.
  5. Communication: Communicate regularly with your builder to ensure that your needs are being met and any issues are addressed promptly.

Overall, building a custom home can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it's essential to be prepared for the challenges and considerations that come with it.