Curry blake new man

It seems like you're interested in learning more about Curry Blake and his teachings on the "New Man".

Curry Blake is a Christian author, speaker, and pastor who has written extensively on topics such as spiritual growth, relationships, and personal development. His teachings focus on helping people become the "New Man" in Christ, which is a biblical concept that refers to the transformation that takes place in a person's life when they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

According to Blake, the "New Man" is a person who has been born again and is now living a life that is characterized by love, joy, peace, and righteousness. He believes that this transformation is possible for anyone who is willing to surrender their life to God and allow Him to work in and through them.

Some of the key principles that Blake teaches on include:

  1. The importance of surrender: Blake emphasizes the need for people to surrender their lives to God and allow Him to have complete control.
  2. The power of prayer: He teaches that prayer is a powerful tool for transforming one's life and that it should be a regular part of a person's daily routine.
  3. The importance of forgiveness: Blake stresses the importance of forgiveness, both towards oneself and towards others, as a key component of the transformation process.
  4. The need for spiritual disciplines: He encourages people to develop spiritual disciplines such as reading the Bible, journaling, and meditation as a way to deepen their relationship with God.

If you're interested in learning more about Curry Blake's teachings on the "New Man", I would recommend checking out some of his books or watching some of his sermons online.