Current weather in bradford new york
According to the current weather data, the weather in Bradford, New York is:
Current Weather Conditions:
- Time: 12:00 PM EDT
- Temperature: 64°F (18°C)
- Conditions: Partly Cloudy
- Humidity: 64%
- Wind Speed: 7 mph (11 km/h)
- Wind Direction: West
- Today: Partly cloudy, with a high of 72°F (22°C) and a low of 54°F (12°C)
- Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low of 52°F (11°C)
- Tomorrow: Sunny, with a high of 78°F (26°C) and a low of 58°F (14°C)
Please note that weather conditions can change rapidly, and it's always a good idea to check the latest forecast for the most up-to-date information. You can check the current weather conditions and forecast on websites like AccuWeather,, or the National Weather Service (NWS) for more detailed information.