Current value of naira news

The current value of the Nigerian Naira (NGN) can fluctuate constantly, so I'll provide you with the latest information available. Please note that exchange rates may vary depending on the source and the time of day.

Current Exchange Rate (as of [current date]):

  1. USD/NGN (US Dollar to Nigerian Naira):
    • Official rate: 360-370 NGN per USD (Central Bank of Nigeria)
    • Black market rate: 450-500 NGN per USD (parallel market)
  2. GBP/NGN (British Pound to Nigerian Naira):
    • Official rate: 420-430 NGN per GBP (Central Bank of Nigeria)
    • Black market rate: 550-600 NGN per GBP (parallel market)
  3. EUR/NGN (Euro to Nigerian Naira):
    • Official rate: 390-400 NGN per EUR (Central Bank of Nigeria)
    • Black market rate: 500-550 NGN per EUR (parallel market)

Recent Trends:


Please note that exchange rates can change rapidly, so it's essential to check current rates before making any transactions.