Current time in new york utc
New York is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) of the United States, which is UTC-5 hours during standard time and UTC-4 hours during daylight saving time.
To get the current time in New York, you can add 5 hours to the current UTC time during standard time or 4 hours during daylight saving time.
Here is the current time in New York:
Standard Time (UTC-5)
- If the current UTC time is 12:00, the current time in New York would be 7:00 AM.
- If the current UTC time is 15:00, the current time in New York would be 10:00 AM.
Daylight Saving Time (UTC-4)
- If the current UTC time is 12:00, the current time in New York would be 8:00 AM.
- If the current UTC time is 15:00, the current time in New York would be 11:00 AM.
Please note that New York observes daylight saving time, so the time may change by 1 hour during the summer months.