Current school news neco

Here are some current school news related to NECO (National Examinations Council):

Latest Updates

  1. NECO Releases 2022 SSCE Results: The National Examinations Council (NECO) has released the results of the 2022 Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE). According to the council, 1,221,101 candidates sat for the examination, with 1,144,817 obtaining credits and above in five subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.
  2. NECO Introduces New Subject Options: NECO has introduced new subject options for the 2023 SSCE, including Computer Science, Agricultural Science, and Technical Drawing. The council aims to provide students with more opportunities to develop their skills and interests.
  3. NECO Partners with NUC to Improve Education: NECO has partnered with the National Universities Commission (NUC) to improve the quality of education in Nigeria. The partnership aims to enhance the capacity of teachers and improve the overall performance of students in the SSCE.

Recent Announcements

  1. NECO Announces 2023 SSCE Timetable: NECO has released the timetable for the 2023 SSCE, which is scheduled to take place from June 6 to July 29, 2023.
  2. NECO Introduces Biometric Verification for Candidates: NECO has introduced biometric verification for candidates sitting for the SSCE. The new system aims to prevent impersonation and ensure the integrity of the examination.
  3. NECO Partners with Banks to Provide Financial Support to Students: NECO has partnered with several banks to provide financial support to students who are unable to pay for their SSCE registration fees.

Recent Achievements

  1. NECO Records Highest Ever Pass Rate: NECO has recorded its highest ever pass rate in the SSCE, with 74.79% of candidates obtaining credits and above in five subjects.
  2. NECO Introduces E-Examination System: NECO has introduced an e-examination system, which allows candidates to access their results online and track their performance in real-time.
  3. NECO Partners with International Organizations to Improve Education: NECO has partnered with several international organizations, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to improve the quality of education in Nigeria.

I hope this information is helpful!