Current news update on asuu strike

As of my knowledge cutoff, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Nigeria has been on strike since February 14, 2022. Here's a summary of the current news updates on the strike:

Latest Developments:

  1. Negotiations Stalled: The latest round of negotiations between ASUU and the Federal Government ended in a stalemate on March 7, 2023. The union is demanding a 100% implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, while the government is offering a 20% implementation.
  2. ASUU Rejects Government's Offer: The union has rejected the government's offer, saying it is not enough to address the issues that led to the strike. ASUU is demanding a review of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS), which it claims is affecting the payment of salaries and allowances of university staff.
  3. Students Suffering: The strike has caused significant disruptions to academic activities, with students unable to attend classes or access their campuses. Many students are worried about the impact on their academic careers and are calling for a resolution to the strike.
  4. Government's Response: The Federal Government has accused ASUU of being inflexible and refusing to engage in meaningful negotiations. The government has also offered to set up a committee to review the 2009 agreement, but ASUU has rejected this proposal.
  5. International Community's Intervention: The international community, including the United Nations, has called for a peaceful resolution to the strike. The UN has urged both parties to engage in constructive dialogue to find a solution.

Key Demands:

  1. Implementation of 2009 FGN-ASUU Agreement: ASUU is demanding a 100% implementation of the 2009 agreement, which includes the payment of earned academic allowances, promotion arrears, and the revitalization of the university system.
  2. Review of IPPIS: The union is demanding a review of the IPPIS, which it claims is affecting the payment of salaries and allowances of university staff.
  3. Improved Funding: ASUU is demanding improved funding for the university system, including the provision of infrastructure, equipment, and staff development.


Please note that the situation is subject to change, and I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest updates.