Current news on twinkas

I think you meant "Twinkies"!

Twinkies are a type of snack cake that has been a beloved treat in the United States for over 90 years. Here are some recent news updates about Twinkies:

  1. Twinkies are still going strong: Despite rumors of their demise, Twinkies continue to be a popular snack food. In 2020, Hostess Brands, the company that produces Twinkies, reported a 10% increase in sales.
  2. New Twinkie flavors: In recent years, Hostess has introduced new Twinkie flavors, such as Strawberry, Blueberry, and Lemon. These limited-edition flavors have been well-received by fans of the classic snack cake.
  3. Twinkie-themed cafe: In 2020, a Twinkie-themed cafe called "Twinkie's" opened in Los Angeles. The cafe serves a variety of Twinkie-inspired treats, including Twinkie-flavored ice cream and Twinkie-topped milkshakes.
  4. Twinkie's 90th anniversary: In 2020, Twinkies celebrated their 90th anniversary. To mark the occasion, Hostess released a special edition Twinkie with a retro design and a limited-edition flavor, "Golden Sponge Cake."
  5. Twinkie's impact on pop culture: Twinkies have made appearances in popular culture, including in TV shows like "The Simpsons" and "Stranger Things." They've also been referenced in music, with artists like Snoop Dogg and Lil Wayne mentioning Twinkies in their songs.

These are just a few recent news updates about Twinkies. If you're a fan of the snack cake, you might be interested in learning more about its history, nutritional facts, or fun facts about Twinkies!