Current news on pomo

Pomo is a language isolate spoken by the Pomo people, who are indigenous to the Pacific coast of Northern California. Here are some current news articles and updates related to the Pomo language and culture:

  1. Language revitalization efforts: The Pomo language is considered endangered, with only a few fluent speakers remaining. However, efforts are underway to revitalize the language through language immersion programs, language classes, and cultural events. (Source: "Pomo language revitalization efforts gain momentum" by the Mendocino County Record)
  2. Language documentation: The Pomo Language Documentation Project, a collaborative effort between the University of California, Berkeley and the Pomo people, has been working to document the language and create language learning materials. (Source: "Pomo Language Documentation Project receives grant" by the University of California, Berkeley)
  3. Cultural preservation: The Pomo people are working to preserve their cultural heritage through the creation of cultural centers, museums, and cultural events. (Source: "Pomo Cultural Center opens in Ukiah" by the Ukiah Daily Journal)
  4. Language education: The Pomo language is being taught in schools and language classes, with the goal of increasing language proficiency and cultural awareness. (Source: "Pomo language class offered at Mendocino College" by the Mendocino College website)
  5. Community engagement: The Pomo people are engaging with their community and promoting cultural awareness through events such as powwows, traditional dances, and cultural festivals. (Source: "Pomo powwow celebrates culture and community" by the Willits News)

Some recent news articles on Pomo language and culture:

Please note that the availability of these articles may vary depending on your location and access to online news sources.