Current news on corporate social responsibility in nigeria

Here are some current news and developments on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria:

  1. Dangote Group's CSR initiatives: The Dangote Group, one of Nigeria's largest conglomerates, has launched several CSR initiatives, including the Dangote Foundation's "Empowerment Through Education" program, which aims to improve access to quality education for underprivileged children. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. MTN Nigeria's CSR efforts: MTN Nigeria has launched a CSR program aimed at promoting digital literacy and entrepreneurship among Nigerian youth. The program, called "MTN mPulse", provides training and mentorship to young entrepreneurs. (Source: ITRealms)
  3. Nestle Nigeria's water conservation efforts: Nestle Nigeria has launched a water conservation program aimed at reducing water waste and promoting sustainable water use practices in its operations. The program is part of the company's global commitment to reduce water usage by 40% by 2025. (Source: BusinessDay)
  4. Access Bank's CSR initiatives: Access Bank has launched several CSR initiatives, including a program aimed at promoting financial inclusion among low-income households. The program provides financial education and access to financial services for underserved communities. (Source: ThisDay)
  5. Shell Nigeria's community development projects: Shell Nigeria has launched several community development projects aimed at improving the lives of local communities in the Niger Delta region. The projects include the construction of healthcare facilities, schools, and roads. (Source: The Guardian)
  6. Nigerian Breweries' CSR efforts: Nigerian Breweries has launched a CSR program aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and reducing waste in its operations. The program includes initiatives such as recycling and waste reduction. (Source: Punch Newspapers)
  7. CSR reporting in Nigeria: The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) has introduced a CSR reporting framework for listed companies, aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in CSR reporting. The framework requires listed companies to disclose their CSR activities and impact in their annual reports. (Source: NSE website)
  8. Government's CSR initiatives: The Nigerian government has launched several CSR initiatives, including the "Social Investment Programme" aimed at promoting social welfare and economic development in the country. The program includes initiatives such as the "Conditional Cash Transfer" program, which provides financial assistance to vulnerable households. (Source: Federal Ministry of Budget and National Planning)
  9. Private sector's role in CSR: The private sector has been urged to play a more active role in CSR in Nigeria, with the government calling on companies to prioritize social responsibility and contribute to national development. (Source: BusinessDay)
  10. CSR challenges in Nigeria: Despite the growing importance of CSR in Nigeria, several challenges remain, including lack of transparency and accountability in CSR reporting, limited resources, and inadequate regulatory framework. (Source: The Guardian)

These are just a few examples of the current news and developments on Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria.