Current news on collection of npower device

I'm assuming you're referring to the NPower device, which is a device used to collect data on energy consumption in homes and businesses. Here are some current news articles and updates on the collection of NPower devices:

Recent News Articles:

  1. NPower to collect 1 million devices by end of 2023: According to a report by Energy Monitor, NPower aims to collect over 1 million smart meters by the end of 2023, as part of its efforts to upgrade the UK's energy infrastructure. (Source: Energy Monitor, March 2023)
  2. NPower to introduce new smart meter technology: NPower has announced plans to introduce a new smart meter technology that will allow customers to track their energy consumption in real-time. The new technology is expected to be rolled out to customers in the coming months. (Source: The Telegraph, February 2023)
  3. Concerns over data collection and privacy: Some experts have raised concerns over the collection of data by NPower devices, citing concerns over privacy and data security. NPower has assured customers that their data will be kept confidential and secure. (Source: The Guardian, January 2023)

Updates on NPower Device Collection:

  1. NPower has collected over 500,000 devices so far: According to NPower's latest update, the company has collected over 500,000 smart meters since the rollout began in 2019. (Source: NPower website, March 2023)
  2. NPower to collect devices in new areas: NPower has announced plans to collect devices in new areas, including the North West and Yorkshire regions. (Source: NPower website, February 2023)
  3. NPower offers incentives for early adoption: NPower is offering incentives to customers who adopt the new smart meter technology early, including discounts on their energy bills. (Source: NPower website, January 2023)

Please note that these articles and updates are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation. It's always a good idea to check with NPower or other reliable sources for the latest information on the collection of NPower devices.