Current news events in turkey

Here are some current news events in Turkey:

  1. Erdogan's Reelection: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won a narrow victory in the June 24, 2018 presidential election, securing a new five-year term. The election was marked by controversy and allegations of fraud.
  2. Erdogan's Constitutional Referendum: In April 2017, Erdogan won a referendum that granted him sweeping new powers, including the ability to appoint judges and prosecutors, and to dissolve parliament.
  3. Kurdish Conflict: The Turkish military has been fighting against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in southeastern Turkey since 2015. The conflict has resulted in thousands of deaths and displacement of civilians.
  4. Syrian Refugee Crisis: Turkey hosts over 3.5 million Syrian refugees, making it the largest refugee-hosting country in the world. The crisis has put a significant strain on Turkey's resources and infrastructure.
  5. Economic Crisis: Turkey's economy has been experiencing a severe crisis since 2018, with high inflation, currency fluctuations, and a decline in the value of the lira. The crisis has led to widespread protests and calls for economic reform.
  6. Journalist Jailing: Turkey has been criticized for its treatment of journalists, with many being arrested and jailed on charges of terrorism or espionage. The country has fallen to 157th place in the World Press Freedom Index.
  7. Human Rights Concerns: Turkey has faced criticism for its human rights record, including allegations of torture, arbitrary detention, and restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly.
  8. Greece-Turkey Tensions: Tensions between Greece and Turkey have been escalating over issues such as territorial disputes in the Aegean Sea and the status of Cyprus.
  9. US-Turkey Relations: Relations between the US and Turkey have been strained over issues such as Turkey's purchase of Russian S-400 missile defense systems, its treatment of American citizens, and its military operations in Syria.
  10. Coronavirus Pandemic: Turkey has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with over 5,000 deaths and over 250,000 cases reported as of March 2023.

These are just a few of the current news events in Turkey. The country is known for its complex and often tumultuous politics, and there are many other issues and developments that are worth following.