Current news about president buhari state of health

As of my knowledge cutoff in February 2023, President Muhammadu Buhari's health has been a subject of concern and speculation in the media and among the public. Here are some recent updates:

  1. Recurrent illnesses: President Buhari has been battling various health issues, including a persistent knee problem, which has forced him to undergo several surgeries. He has also been treated for other ailments, including a bout of bronchitis in 2020.
  2. Medical trips abroad: The President has taken several medical trips abroad, including to the United Kingdom, Germany, and Turkey, for treatment and check-ups. His most recent trip was in June 2022, when he spent 15 days in London for a medical check-up.
  3. Aides' concerns: In January 2023, some of President Buhari's aides expressed concerns about his health, saying that he was not well and needed to take a break. The President's spokesman, Femi Adesina, later denied these claims, saying that the President was in good health.
  4. Vice President's role: In the event of President Buhari's incapacitation or death, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo would assume the role of Acting President, according to the Nigerian Constitution.
  5. Speculation about his successor: There have been rumors and speculations about President Buhari's plans for his successor, with some sources suggesting that he may not seek re-election in 2023. However, the President has not made any official statement on the matter.

It's essential to note that the Nigerian government has not officially disclosed the President's health status or provided detailed information about his medical condition. As a result, the public and the media have been left to speculate and rely on unofficial sources for updates.


Please keep in mind that the information provided is based on publicly available news sources and may not reflect the most up-to-date or accurate information about President Buhari's health.