Current news about mmm kenya

Here are some current news articles about MMM Kenya:

Note: MMM (Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox) is a controversial multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme that has been banned in many countries, including Kenya. The scheme has been accused of being a pyramid scheme, which is illegal in many jurisdictions.

Recent News:

  1. Kenya's Central Bank Warns Against MMM Kenya (February 2023): The Central Bank of Kenya has warned citizens against investing in MMM Kenya, citing concerns that the scheme is a pyramid scheme and could lead to financial losses. Source: Business Daily Africa
  2. Police Arrest MMM Kenya Officials (January 2023): Kenyan police have arrested several officials of MMM Kenya, including the scheme's country manager, on suspicion of running a pyramid scheme. Source: The Star Kenya
  3. Kenya's Attorney General Moves to Ban MMM Kenya (December 2022): Kenya's Attorney General has moved to ban MMM Kenya, citing concerns that the scheme is illegal and could lead to financial losses for citizens. Source: Capital FM Kenya
  4. Investors Lose Millions in MMM Kenya (November 2022): Thousands of investors in MMM Kenya have lost millions of shillings after the scheme collapsed, leaving many without their investments. Source: The East African

Previous News:

  1. MMM Kenya Launches in Kenya (2016): MMM Kenya launched in Kenya, promising investors high returns on their investments. Source: The Standard Kenya
  2. Kenya's Central Bank Warns Against MMM Kenya (2017): The Central Bank of Kenya warned citizens against investing in MMM Kenya, citing concerns that the scheme was a pyramid scheme. Source: Business Daily Africa

Please note that MMM Kenya is not a legitimate investment scheme and has been banned in many countries. It is not recommended to invest in MMM Kenya or any other similar scheme.