Current news about buhari son

I'm assuming you're referring to Yusuf Buhari, the son of President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Yusuf's health condition: In 2017, Yusuf was involved in a motorcycle accident in Abuja, which left him in a coma. He later regained consciousness and has been undergoing treatment. There have been occasional updates on his health condition, with the latest being in 2020 when his father, President Buhari, said he was recovering well.
  2. Education: Yusuf is a graduate of the University of Surrey in the UK, where he studied medicine. He has also completed his internship at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital.
  3. Career: After completing his internship, Yusuf worked as a medical doctor at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital in Kano State, Nigeria. He has also been involved in various charity work, including providing medical care to underprivileged communities.
  4. Personal life: Yusuf is married to Zara Yar'Adua, the daughter of former Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua. The couple has two children together.

It's worth noting that Yusuf is a private individual and keeps a low profile, so there may not be frequent updates on his personal life or activities. However, when there are significant developments or updates on his health or career, they are often reported in the Nigerian media and other international news outlets.