Current news about benue state university strike

I've got some updates on the ongoing strike by the Benue State University (BSU) Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

Latest News:

  1. Strike Enters 4th Week: The strike by BSU ASUU has entered its 4th week, with no end in sight. The union is demanding improved working conditions, better welfare packages, and the implementation of the 2019 agreement between the union and the federal government.
  2. Students Suffer: The strike has caused significant disruption to academic activities, leaving students in limbo. Many students have been unable to access their classes, and some have been forced to seek alternative means of learning.
  3. Governor's Intervention: The Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, has intervened in the strike, urging the union to call off the strike and resume negotiations with the university management. However, the union has rejected the governor's plea, saying that the university management has not been responsive to their demands.
  4. Lecturers' Welfare: The union is demanding improved welfare packages for lecturers, including the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances. They are also seeking the implementation of the 2019 agreement, which includes the payment of earned academic allowances.
  5. University Management's Response: The university management has accused the union of being unreasonable and has offered to negotiate with them. However, the union has rejected the offer, saying that the management has not been serious about addressing their concerns.

Previous Updates:

  1. Strike Began on March 14: The strike by BSU ASUU began on March 14, 2023, after the union's members voted to embark on the strike.
  2. Demands: The union is demanding improved working conditions, better welfare packages, and the implementation of the 2019 agreement between the union and the federal government.
  3. Students' Protest: Students of BSU have protested the strike, calling on the union to call off the strike and resume academic activities.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!