Current news about 2016 npower

Npower was a British energy supplier that was acquired by E.ON in 2019. As a result, there may not be much current news about Npower specifically. However, I can provide some information on what happened to Npower in 2016 and what has happened since then.

In 2016, Npower was facing significant challenges, including a decline in customer numbers and a struggle to compete with larger energy suppliers. In August 2016, the company announced that it would be cutting 4,500 jobs as part of a major restructuring effort.

In October 2016, Npower's parent company, RWE, announced that it would be selling Npower to E.ON, a German energy company, for £7.8 billion. The deal was completed in August 2019, and Npower became a subsidiary of E.ON.

Since then, E.ON has continued to operate Npower as a separate brand, but has also integrated some of its operations with its own. In 2020, E.ON announced that it would be merging Npower's customer service operations with its own, and that Npower's headquarters would be relocated to E.ON's headquarters in Essen, Germany.

In terms of current news, Npower is no longer an independent company, and as such, there may not be much news about it specifically. However, E.ON, its parent company, continues to operate in the UK energy market and may still be involved in various initiatives and projects related to energy supply and sustainability.

Here are a few recent news articles about E.ON and Npower:

I hope this information is helpful!