Current nddc news

Here are some current news updates from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana:

Latest News

  1. NDC to hold national delegates' conference: The NDC has announced plans to hold its national delegates' conference in July 2023 to elect new national executives. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. John Mahama to contest NDC presidential primaries: Former President John Mahama has indicated his intention to contest the NDC's presidential primaries, which are expected to take place in 2023. (Source: MyJoyOnline)
  3. NDC to review 2020 election petition: The NDC has announced plans to review the 2020 election petition, which was filed by the party's presidential candidate, John Mahama, against the Electoral Commission (EC) and President Nana Akufo-Addo. (Source: Graphic Online)
  4. NDC to hold regional conferences: The NDC has announced plans to hold regional conferences across the country to discuss party issues and elect new regional executives. (Source: Ghana News Agency)
  5. NDC to launch 'Operation Feed Your Vote': The NDC has launched a new campaign, "Operation Feed Your Vote", aimed at providing food and other essential items to party supporters and voters ahead of the 2024 general elections. (Source: MyNewsGh)

Recent Developments

  1. NDC's National Executive Committee (NEC) meets: The NDC's NEC met recently to discuss party issues and take decisions on various matters, including the party's 2024 election strategy. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. NDC's Council of Elders meets: The NDC's Council of Elders, a group of senior party members, met recently to discuss party issues and offer guidance to the party's leadership. (Source: MyJoyOnline)
  3. NDC's Women's Wing holds conference: The NDC's Women's Wing held a national conference recently, where they discussed issues affecting women in the party and the country. (Source: Ghana News Agency)

Upcoming Events

  1. NDC's National Delegates' Conference: The NDC's national delegates' conference is scheduled to take place in July 2023 to elect new national executives. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. NDC's Regional Conferences: The NDC's regional conferences are scheduled to take place across the country in the coming months to discuss party issues and elect new regional executives. (Source: Ghana News Agency)

Please note that the news updates are subject to change and may not be exhaustive.