Current high impact news forex

Here are some current high-impact news stories that may affect the Forex market:

Economic News

  1. US GDP Growth Rate: The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is set to release the Q1 GDP growth rate on April 28th. A strong reading could boost the US dollar, while a weak reading could lead to a decline.
  2. Eurozone Inflation Rate: The European Central Bank (ECB) will release the March inflation rate on April 29th. A higher-than-expected reading could lead to a stronger euro, while a lower reading could lead to a weaker euro.
  3. UK GDP Growth Rate: The Office for National Statistics (ONS) will release the Q1 GDP growth rate on April 29th. A strong reading could boost the British pound, while a weak reading could lead to a decline.

Central Bank News

  1. Federal Reserve Meeting: The Federal Reserve will hold its two-day policy meeting on April 26-27. The market is expecting a 25-basis-point rate hike, which could impact the US dollar.
  2. European Central Bank Meeting: The ECB will hold its two-day policy meeting on April 28-29. The market is expecting no changes to interest rates, but the ECB may provide guidance on future rate hikes.
  3. Bank of England Meeting: The Bank of England will hold its two-day policy meeting on April 26-27. The market is expecting no changes to interest rates, but the BoE may provide guidance on future rate hikes.

Geopolitical News

  1. US-China Trade Talks: The US and China are set to resume trade talks on April 29th. A breakthrough in the talks could lead to a stronger US dollar, while a failure to reach an agreement could lead to a decline.
  2. Brexit Developments: The UK is set to leave the EU on April 30th, and the market is watching for any developments that could impact the pound.
  3. Middle East Tensions: Tensions between the US and Iran have been escalating, and any developments could impact the oil market and the US dollar.

Other News

  1. US Jobless Claims: The US Department of Labor will release the weekly jobless claims data on April 28th. A higher-than-expected reading could lead to a stronger US dollar, while a lower reading could lead to a decline.
  2. German Industrial Production: The German Federal Statistical Office will release the March industrial production data on April 29th. A higher-than-expected reading could lead to a stronger euro, while a lower reading could lead to a decline.

These are just a few examples of the current high-impact news stories that may affect the Forex market. It's always important to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events that could impact your trades.