Current economic news and articles in nigeria on

Here are some current economic news and articles in Nigeria on

Top Stories

  1. Nigeria's Inflation Rate Rises to 17.71% in January (Premium Times) - The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that Nigeria's inflation rate rose to 17.71% in January, up from 16.47% in December.
  2. FG to Review 2023 Budget Amid Economic Challenges (This Day) - The Federal Government has announced plans to review the 2023 budget in response to the current economic challenges facing the country.
  3. Nigeria's GDP Growth Rate Slows to 2.37% in Q4 2022 (Vanguard) - The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has announced that Nigeria's GDP growth rate slowed to 2.37% in the fourth quarter of 2022, down from 3.98% in the previous quarter.


  1. Nigeria's Stock Market Loses N1.4 Trillion in January (The Guardian) - The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) has announced that the market lost N1.4 trillion in January, with the All-Share Index (ASI) declining by 4.3%.
  2. FG to Establish New Inland Container Depot in Lagos (Daily Trust) - The Federal Government has announced plans to establish a new inland container depot in Lagos to reduce congestion at the ports and improve trade.
  3. Nigeria's Oil Production Drops to 1.34 Million Barrels per Day (Punch) - The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has announced that Nigeria's oil production dropped to 1.34 million barrels per day in January, down from 1.43 million barrels per day in December.


  1. Nigeria's External Reserves Fall to $38.5 Billion (The Nation) - The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced that Nigeria's external reserves fell to $38.5 billion in January, down from $40.4 billion in December.
  2. FG to Implement New Tax Policy to Boost Revenue (Leadership) - The Federal Government has announced plans to implement a new tax policy aimed at boosting revenue and reducing tax evasion.
  3. Nigeria's Debt Profile Rises to N44.6 Trillion (The Punch) - The Debt Management Office (DMO) has announced that Nigeria's debt profile rose to N44.6 trillion in December, up from N42.3 trillion in November.


  1. Nigeria's Banks Record N1.4 Trillion Profit in 2022 (This Day) - The Nigerian banking industry has recorded a profit of N1.4 trillion in 2022, up from N1.2 trillion in 2021.
  2. FG to Launch New Digital Payment System (Daily Trust) - The Federal Government has announced plans to launch a new digital payment system aimed at reducing cash transactions and improving financial inclusion.
  3. Nigeria's Insurance Industry Records N1.3 Trillion Premium in 2022 (The Guardian) - The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) has announced that Nigeria's insurance industry recorded a premium of N1.3 trillion in 2022, up from N1.1 trillion in 2021.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not be up-to-date.